Total trip days: 116 (excludes 2 weeks taken off in early May)
Total (northward) miles hiked: 2121.5 (excludes side miles to water or towns)
Most miles hiked in one day: 33.3
Total bird species: 167
Most bird species in one day: 43
Here are these stats visually:
And now the final bird list:
1 | Acorn Woodpecker | |
2 | American Avocet | |
3 | American Coot | |
4 | American Crow | |
5 | American Dipper | |
6 | American Kestrel | |
7 | American Pipit | |
8 | American Robin | |
9 | American Three-toed Woodpecker | |
10 | American White Pelican | |
11 | Anna's Hummingbird | |
12 | Ash-throated Flycatcher | |
13 | Audobon's Warbler | |
14 | Bald Eagle | |
15 | Band-tailed Pigeon | |
16 | Barn Owl | |
17 | Belted Kingfisher | |
18 | Bewick's Wren | |
19 | Black Phoebe | |
20 | Black Swift | |
21 | Black-backed Woodpecker | |
22 | Black-chinned Sparrow | |
23 | Black-headed Grosbeak | |
24 | Black-throated Gray Warbler | |
25 | Black-throated Sparrow | |
26 | Blue Grosbeak | |
27 | Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | |
28 | Brewers Blackbird | |
29 | Brewer's Blackbird | |
30 | Brewer's Sparrow | |
31 | Brown Creeper | |
32 | Brown-headed Cowbird | |
33 | Bufflehead | |
34 | Bullock's Oriole | |
35 | Bushtit | |
36 | Cactus Wren | |
37 | California Quail | |
38 | California Thrasher | |
39 | California Towhee | |
40 | Canada Goose | |
41 | Canyon Wren | |
42 | Cassin's Finch | |
43 | Cassin's Vireo | |
44 | Chickadee | |
45 | Chipping Sparrow | |
46 | Chukar | |
47 | Clark's Nutcracker | |
48 | Cliff Swallow | |
49 | Common Merganser | |
50 | Common Nighthawk | |
51 | Common Poorwill | |
52 | Common Raven | |
53 | Common Yellowthroat | |
54 | Cooper's Hawk | |
55 | Double-crested Cormorant | |
56 | Downy Woodpecker | |
57 | Eurasian Collared Dove | |
58 | European Starling | |
59 | Fox Sparrow | |
60 | Golden Eagle | |
61 | Golden-crowned Kinglet | |
62 | Golden-crowned Sparrow | |
63 | Gray Flycatcher | |
64 | Gray Jay | |
65 | Gray Vireo | |
66 | Gray-crowned Rosy-finch | |
67 | Great Blue Heron | |
68 | Great Egret | |
69 | Great Horned Owl | |
70 | Greater Roadrunner | |
71 | Great-tailed Grackle | |
72 | Green-tailed Towhee | |
73 | Hairy Woodpecker | |
74 | Hammond's Flycatcher | |
75 | Hermit Thrush | |
76 | Hermit Warbler | |
77 | Horned Lark | |
78 | House Finch | |
79 | House Sparrow | |
80 | House Wren | |
81 | Hutton's Vireo | |
82 | Killdeer | |
83 | Lark Sparrow | |
84 | Lawrence's Goldfinch | |
85 | Lazuli Bunting | |
86 | Lesser Goldfinch | |
87 | Lesser Nighthawk | |
88 | Lewis's Woodpecker | |
89 | Lincoln's Sparrow | |
90 | Loggerhead Shrike | |
91 | MacGillivray's Warbler | |
92 | Mallard | |
93 | Marsh Wren | |
94 | Mountain Bluebird | |
95 | Mountain Chickadee | |
96 | Mountain Quail | |
97 | Mourning Dove | |
98 | Nashville Warbler | |
99 | Northern Flicker | |
100 | Northern Goshawk | |
101 | Northern Harrier | |
102 | Northern Mockingbird | |
103 | Northern Pygmy-Owl | |
104 | Nuttall's Woodpecker | |
105 | Oak Titmouse | |
106 | Olive-sided Flycatcher | |
107 | Orange-crowned Warbler | |
108 | Oregon Junco | |
109 | Osprey | |
110 | Pacific Wren | |
111 | Pacific-slope Flycatcher | |
112 | Phainopepla | |
113 | Pileated Woodpecker | |
114 | Pine Grosbeak | |
115 | Pine Siskin | |
116 | Pinyon Jay | |
117 | Purple Finch | |
118 | Pygmy Nuthatch | |
119 | Red Crossbill | |
120 | Red-breasted Nuthatch | |
121 | Red-breasted Sapsucker | |
122 | Red-shouldered Hawk | |
123 | Red-tailed Hawk | |
124 | Red-tailed hawk | |
125 | Red-winged Blackbird | |
126 | Rock Wren | |
127 | Ruby-crowned Kinglet | |
128 | Ruddy Duck | |
129 | Ruffed Grouse | |
130 | Rufous Hummingbird | |
131 | Rufous-crowned Sparrow | |
132 | Sage Sparrow | |
133 | Sage Thrasher | |
134 | Say's Phoebe | |
135 | Scott's Oriole | |
136 | Selasphorus Hummingbird | |
137 | Sharp-shinned Hawk | |
138 | Song Sparrow | |
139 | Sooty Grouse | |
140 | Spotted Sandpiper | |
141 | Spotted Towhee | |
142 | Steller's Jay | |
143 | Swainson's Thrush | |
144 | Townsend's Solitaire | |
145 | Townsend's Warbler | |
146 | Turkey Vulture | |
147 | Varied Thrush | |
148 | Violet-green Swallow | |
149 | Warbling Vireo | |
150 | Western Bluebird | |
151 | Western Kingbird | |
152 | Western Meadowlark | |
153 | Western Screech-owl | |
154 | Western Scrub-jay | |
155 | Western Tanager | |
156 | Western Wood-Pewee | |
157 | White-breasted Nuthatch | |
158 | White-crowned Sparrow | |
159 | White-headed Woodpecker | |
160 | White-throated Swift | |
161 | Wild Turkey | |
162 | Williamson's Sapsucker | |
163 | Wilson's Warbler | |
164 | Woodpecker | |
165 | Wrentit | |
166 | Yellow Warbler | |
167 | Yellow-rumped Warbler |
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