A hike on the Pacific Crest Trail

Hi everyone. This blog will chronicle my walk along the Pacific Crest Trail. Snoop around and find out about who I am, why I'm doing this, what I'll be bringing, and follow along as I hopefully make it all the way from Mexico to Canada.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

August 18. Day 109.

Big Lake Youth Camp to hwy 20 (mile 1998.4).
Miles hiked: 4.6.

Slept in until the luxurious hour of 6:30 then made a bit of coffee and scrounged a crumbled Pop Tart from the hiker box. I didn't have to be to hwy 20 until 10, so I had plenty of time and hanging out at the youth camp seemed nicer than the side of the highway. I took care of the backlog of blog posts I had and lounged around with the few other hikers there. 

I left about 7:45 and walked through thick Lodgepole forest over a flat basin cross-crossed with swaths cut for cross country ski trails. The sound of the busy highway grew louder and mingled with the few chickadees and juncos and flickers out and about. At the highway I waited for a break in the trucks and cars then trotted across the 3 lanes. I was still a half hour early so I hiked up to the trailhead parking and sat in the shade to wait. At the right time I walked back down the road to the highway and met Allyson who drove all the way up to get me and brought me snacks for the ride back down to Corvallis! How about that Über?

Down in hot Corvallis we got lunch then settled in to Allyson's house then I went back out to take career of some town chores. This included going to the nice market in town and loading up on a bunch of awesome fruit, which I had been planning ever since it looked like I would be going to Corvallis. In the evening there was a little BBQ at the house and I got to see a bunch of grad school friends and their dogs. 

Oregon Junco 
Northern Flicker 
Common Raven 
Cooper's Hawk 
Mountain Chickadee 
Red-breasted Nuthatch 

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