A hike on the Pacific Crest Trail

Hi everyone. This blog will chronicle my walk along the Pacific Crest Trail. Snoop around and find out about who I am, why I'm doing this, what I'll be bringing, and follow along as I hopefully make it all the way from Mexico to Canada.

Monday, June 29, 2015

June 26. Day 56.

Purple Lake to Red's Meadow (PCT mile 906.7), then bus to Mammoth Lakes.
Miles hiked: 13.1.

Up early and hiking fast, excited to see Libby and Abbey. The trail contoured around a granite slope then started the gradual downhill through the cool volcanic geology around Mammoth Mountain. I passed lots of JMT hikers, probably just coming out of their first resupply at Red's Meadow, looking like they're packs are pretty heavy.

Sunrise over the Silver Divide.

I passed the 900 mile marker which I think is about a half mile late, then dropped down into the big burn area (mid '90s??) just before Red's Meadow, with lots of Green-tailed Towhees and Cassin's Finches.

I think this is my favorite trail sign so far.

I got to Red's right before the shuttle to town arrived, and was boarded before I could change into my semi-clean sleeping shirt.

The reunion was great, but I'll spare you the sappy details. Spent the rest of the day takin care of errands and hanging out at one of the many lakes above town. In the afternoon we checked in to a hotel and got big salads and cheesecake take out to eat with good beer from the Mammoth Brewery while watching cheesey TV.

Cassin's Finch 
American Robin 
White-crowned Sparrow 
Yellow-rumped Warbler 
Oregon Junco 
Clark's Nutcracker 
Hermit Thrush 
Stellar's Jay 
Red-breasted Nuthatch 
Brown Creeper 
Black-backed Woodpecker 
Townsend's Solitaire 
Green-tailed Towhee 
Northern Flicker 
Golden-crowned Kinglet 
Brewer's Blackbird 

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