Wow, it's been really sinking in the last few days that this trip will be starting so soon. Just about 3 weeks until I set out to try and walk from one border to another. The last month or so has been pretty busy with wrapping up my Master's thesis, and I haven't had a ton of time to do much planning or preparation. But with my successful thesis defense 2 weeks ago, I've gotten to get back into trip preparation. I had my gear pretty much sorted out by mid-Feb, so what remained was the final planning for and divvying out of the food.
I've added a "preparation" tab, where you can find more about how I'm getting ready for the trail, what I'll be eating, and how I'll be getting all my supplies for the trip.
The food packing is pretty much done. I've got a few gear modification projects to do, but otherwise I'm just hanging out, spending quality time with Libby, Abbey, and friends, and eating good food and trying to get some good waves for the next few weeks. Oh yeah, and doing the final edits on my thesis...
Yay! It's really happening! But more photos of Abbey please...